Tuesday, February 20, 2007

T h e F a s h i o n F a i r

Every year in Razgrad we have two fashion fairs - one in September and one in January. This year's spring fair took place in "Ludogoretz" Hall from 22nd to 27th Jan. There was a great lottery and you could participate with anything you bought. The prize is an iron. Yeah!!!
Everyone goes there with great expectations. The fair offers a lot of stuff from candies to bags, boots, clothes and jewelry, even key-rings. The whole thing calls on my mind the cool old fairs of clothes where you can find everything on symbolic prices. And probably from the get going the idea was like this. Unfortunately, for the past 5 years it has been ruined just the exact same way that happens with every good idea here.
The truth is that every year the wares are almost like the last year. They are supposed to be made by Bulgarian companies. But on the clothes labels it's written Made in China or Made in other country that it's not Bulgaria. So the whole purpose of showing Bulgarian
products is stultified. It's cheap, but sometimes, surprisingly, some needle-works tear after a few hours of wearing:)
But, I can deny that, the jewelry is awesome. The first thing that u see when u enter there is a wall of all types of necklaces, collars, pendants, bracelets, earrings and so on. They are like too much, so there's no way to separate them and choose only one. There is also a stand for jewelry covered with 18-carat gold:)
The only animal things are coats and undies. For every Little Miss Sunshine is the kid fashion stall, and for men is an enormous variety of sweaters.
Basically, it's A BIG EVENT in our
small town, so it won't be a mistake just to go and see it.

by: Nina
edited by: Stoian and Nikolay